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Angela and Robert Pedersen

Please leave your comments for our five cyclists who will be making an incredible 758 mile journey pedaling on their bicycles. Cheer them on! Comments are moderated so be patient and your comment WILL appear! Please link to this page and blog this story on your blog, MySpace, Facebook, etc. Thank you to all who take the time to support this effort in one way or another.

Derek and Tonia Bailey

Dance4Equality is honored and proud to be parent of this year's event - the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek! We will continue to support, advocate and promote efforts that put our childrens needs first! We are so pleased to have partnered with A Childs Right and Cycling4Children in another powerful, and spiritual, event to bring healing to a very troubling situation with our children and the family court systems. Keep Dancing!!

Mike Saxton

The '08 BIKE TREK is a National event designed to bring media attention and raise public awareness of the plight of the 25 million noncustodial parents nation wide and the damage it does to our children and society. Only through unity and financial support for our cause will we be successful. Please help bring our message to the nation by supporting the '08 Trekers by making a donation to

As I train for the upcoming Trek I am sustained by the vision of all children benefiting from the love, guidance and nurture of both fit parents.

We look forward to meeting as many of you as we can on our journey to Washington and EQUAL PARENTING!

Mike Saxton


I wish I had the strength and stamina (and time) to participate in the actual biking!

Kudos to you and all involved! I'm looking forward to the media attention!

Phillip N. Wurm

Our intrepid bike trekkers will have the ride of their lives! A grueling 750+ mile trip-pedaling all the way. They deserve our support, both financially and promotionally. They have already earned our undying respect. The training alone is exhausting, both physically and mentally. The real journey is to bring to the people of Michigan and The United States the plight of families and children suffering from divorce and custody situations, and how our family law court system exploits and destroys the relationship between fit and able parents and their children. Denying a child the love, guidance, education, and nurturing of both their fit, willing, and able parents is child abuse. When will they ever realize this??

Peter Hill

I would like to ride with you at parts of the ride. Can we join in at points and invite other bikers who feel the same to join in to make it a larger ride?

I Love My Ex, Her Collection Agency (aka FOC) Is Another Story

Do you have a route map yet? I live in the Detroit area and would like to ride 50-100 miles as a show of support.

Don Aldrich

The ride gets bigger this year. I can only pray that it will have an enhanced effect on the political couch potatoes we have in todays society. Good luck to the fathers who are dedicating their efforts and standing up for your rights. Help these guys out by donating what you can to cover costs.

Drew Baden

I would crawl to DC from Ohio if I knew I could immediately correct the injustice and corruption of our current family law system.
Keep up the good trek, I'll see you on the path less traveled.

Jim Semerad

What a sight/site. You are off to a fantastic start and we all need to work to make sure that you have the support you need. I look forward to seeing this launch. Best wishes to the New Riders of the Trek for shared parenting. You are awesonme.

Sally Borghese

What a great site, filled with positive information that would get anyone excited over the Bike Trek and Washington, DC Rally 2008.

If everyone that reads this site, sends it to every email address known to them, the bike trek and rally can only be a huge success for families in this nation!

Carol Rhodes

The 2007 bike trek was the most grueling, suspenseful, exhilarating and hilarious undertaking that was ever such an historical and meaningful event! It typified the ecstasies and agonies of working for justice -for our children- in an unselfish and non-violent quest. This was truly an effort that caught the attention of the media, the common people, legislators, employers and government officials alike. How could qnything so hard be so much fun? Working together for the good of something above our own interests, we made new bonds and broke new ground. It is my hope and prayer that the 2008 bike trek will be as meaningful, dynamic and fun as the last trek. Robb started a movement by doing -alone- what he could do best, and it has grown to impact the nation. What will YOU do to fix a broken system? Lets give these guys all the support they deserve! [Carol Rhodes, '07 trekkie/groupie -chase vehicle]

Randall Scotti

Best wishes and God Speed to all who are traveling. I'm taking the conventional route- a car to get to DC! Hope to see all of you there! We are building a legacy for our children, something the state cannot take away!

Kelly aka momszoo

Bless you all in your quest for changes to a broken system. Children need both parents. You are truly a wonderful group of outstanding people who deserve a ton of support - all for the cause - helping children and getting back to family values and family bonds.
Good luck!!

Tony Fantetti

To Robert and Angela,

On behalf of the entire Ohio Council for Fathers Rights membership, I commend you for your tremendous efforts in Michigan on behalf of all children trapped in the horrendous nightmare inflicted upon them by the Family Courts.

To all of the members of the Bike Trek team, you too are to be commended for your sacrifices and efforts on behalf of this nation's children as well. Even as a backpacker, I can't imagine how grueling such an endeavor must be. I support all of you and sincerely thank you for bringing such incredible and widespread international awareness to the plight of America's children.

Keep up the great work, all of you! Our children are depending on your diligent and selfless efforts!


Tony Fantetti
Ohio Council for Fathers Rights

Ches Merowski

I support this effort. Let's keep families together as God intended us too. The one's that are against this issue remember "You reap what you sow" and "Money is the root of all evil". This involves most people who promote this corrupt and biased ways in the family court system. they know families are important buty they want to keep their jobs by making money by keeping families apart by Title IV D of the Social security Act. No wonder why we will run out since Social Security is funding grants and bonuses that is supposed to go for retirement and disability.

Darrick Scott-Farnsworth

This is a grand effort to bring light to the fact that our state and federal legislature has failed the family. It is time that the state recognize that they are destroying the family by not recognizing the God Given Right to parent. Get on board, support our efforts by visiting the links and contacting all of your politicians telling them you expect them to support parental rights and equal parenting.


You go, Guys! See you in DC.


Carrie in Sycamore , Il. It Payed Off !!
Wanting Contact: Advocacy group announces correspondence bill | 8 comment(s)

Story PhotosCarrie Adams of Palos Heights joined fellow members of Project Prevent on the sidewalks outside the DeKalb County Courthouse in Sycamore on Sunday. The group gathered to announce a bill they hope to see passed, called The Jake and Braidy Child’s Rights To Correspondence. The bill is named after Adams’ two children, whom she hasn’t seen in four years. If the bill were to pass, it would become the first federal law to give children the right to receive mail, e-mail or packages from a parent or grandparent, without interception. KATE WEBER | [email protected] a reprint of this photo

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By Kate Weber - [email protected]
Carrie Adams lived three streetlights away from her two children and did not see them for two years.

Adams, originally from Palos Heights, a Chicago suburb, was one of several people gathered Sunday at the DeKalb County Courthouse in Sycamore to stand up for parents' rights. The people came from as far away as Sheboygan, Wis., as members of Project Prevent, an organization striving to join hundreds of advocacy groups across the country to fight for the same issue: families.

In Sycamore on Sunday, the group announced a bill they hope to see passed called The Jake and Braidy Child's Right to Correspondence, named after Adams' two children, whom she hasn't seen in four years. If the bill were to pass, it would become the first federal law to give children the right to receive mail, e-mail or packages from a parent or grandparent, without interception.

“We want the bill to be able to stand up for any child that will be separated from a parent or family member, and have in place the security of receiving any communication from that family member and maintaining a voice for those children,” Adams said. “It's imperative to keep those lines of communication open.”

Along the sidewalks of the courthouse, members of Project Prevent talked about what they call injustices in the court system, sharing stories of court appearances they believe were skewed and discussing the emotional distress children have been through.

The group decided to meet in Sycamore because of the downtown statue, whose inscription reads: “To the memory of the men who fought to preserve the union: ‘That the nation shall under God, have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.'”

“What is written on that statue says it all for us,” said Brian Fears, a member of Project Prevent. “It's supposed to be a country for the people, and if anything, it's in spite of the people. It's what we're all here for - for our families.”

Adams wore a shirt with the drawings of her two children, now 17 and 14, and carried posters with phrases such as “Thinking of you” written on them. Recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, Adams has a new urgency to help others realize the severity of the current system and how it has damaged her relationship with her own children, she said.

“We want to reunite the family again,” she said. “Children need a voice in these situations, and they need to be protected.”

We Are Standing , Shouting and Demanding the Same Results From Our Officials . Keep Families Together , Equal Parenting , Children Have Rights !!

Paul Gleeson    Australia

Inspirational. Great effort. Action like this is just helping to build momentum worldwide, and it is building. Maybe we can do a similar event in Australia ? Good Luck.

John Gleason

You have encouraged me to step out of my shame. I been tangled in the FOC in Wayne County for 5 years now, exausting all my resources and some of my extended families. They know it's not about "Money" or "Who won" as Kent Weichmann argues. It's amazing to me just how many people believe that everything a child needs to know can be taught to them by busy single Mom's and our public schools.

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